5 Conclusion

Movement choice and landing style affect landing GRFs for common parkour vaulting techniques. vGRFs increase when switching from a precision style landing to a running style landing, regardless of PKV choice. The kong vault was found to produce the greatest vGRF and bGRF of all PKVs in both landing styles, while the dash vault produced the least vGRF and bGRF of all PKVs. The step vault was not found to significantly differ from a drop landing with either landing style.

Traceurs mimic their performance in two-legged drop landings and continue to effectively mitigate landing forces when vaulting with both precision and running style landings. As a result, traceurs are unlikely to be at risk of acute lower limb injury with the force levels produced but remain at risk of chronic lower limb injury caused by high repetitions of vaulting movements. The development of an intensity index is proposed as a possible field tool for coaches and athletes to appropriately plan parkour training sessions to minimise the risk of chronic injury.